From Ability to Agility

Dr. Vivek R Nayak

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Patient's Corner

As we grow older, bone pain, joint pain and other orthopedic problems are a natural thing. India’s population is over 1 billion of which 20% are people over the age of 60 in India, and this figure is expected to rise. With this rapidly ageing population the orthopedic injuries are accelerating as well.

It is essential to understand that Orthopedic or bone problems don’t simply appear overnight. Instead, they slowly develop over time. Whether it’s osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, nearly everyone deals with some or the other orthopedic issue. As we all know, orthopedic problems are more common among aged people, however, it can be prevented and cured with proper ortho treatment and lifestyle change.

Whether it’s long-hours at the computer desk or harsh conditions or the lifestyle changes, which are everywhere now, the things you do or don’t do are what put you at risk. 

Hence, as a preventive initiative for our patients’ we have designed this “Patient Corner” to keep you updated and informed about the orthopedic issues, how to tackle orthopedic problems, when to see your orthopedic specialist, when to take action, and lots more on orthopedic problems.

Taking action now is the best way to deal with these conditions, as prevention is often more effective than treatment. If you take care of your bone health, you can prevent some of the rigorous bone problems. For more updates and details on such orthopedic problems, connect your orthopedic specialist now!

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